Why Care.com Explore?
We started Care.com Explore (formerly Galore) to make it easier for all of us to be better parents, and to have more fun doing it. Our kids are happier when they’re out of the house, being active, and doing new and interesting things. And, so are we!
We’re the parents who embarrassingly take their kids to the same park down the street four times in a weekend. We get easily frustrated trying to sift through the overwhelming amount of information out there about kids’ activities, camps and class. And then get more frustrated trying to navigate a convoluted registration process.
We also empathize with the merchants and independent providers trying to grow and manage their business as rents continue to rise. We get incredibly inspired when we discover that children’s art studio in our neighborhood that we never knew existed. And when we meet these amazing instructors, performers, artists, and coaches who have a knack for entertaining, educating, and relating to kids (way better than we do!).
We’re building Care.com Explore to empower these people.
Lauren Bohon
Lauren is originally from Indiana but prefers the sunshine of the West Coast. While she doesn't have any children, she's a doting cat mom to a Garfield-esque cat named Meatball. In her spare time she enjoys cooking and visiting Disneyland with her husband. Lauren spent many years with LivingSocial helping to manage and facilitate relationships with both customers and business partners. As the Customer Success Manager for both Connect and Care.com Explore, Lauren continues to help build the Galore brand and assist both parents and providers with any challenge that may arise. Say hello!
Jeff Levinsohn
Jeff has infinite love for his daughter, Amalia, and digs being a dad. But his transition to parenthood was, at times...rough. What surprised him most was how easy it is to get bored as a parent, and how hard it can be to find fun, convenient things to do with your family and friends. Care.com Explore was born out of that frustration and his desire to make activities much more accessible to all families. His background includes advising startups on product, growth partnerships and legal issues, founding an early stage seed fund based in Brazil and NY, and leading business development at two large, venture-backed companies in the media and gaming space. Say hello!
Nemanja Kovacevic
When he's not hiking in the mountains, traveling throughout the Mediterranean, or building Android apps, Nemanja is hard at work looking for new ways to spoil his nephew. Prior to Connect and Care.com Explore, Nemanja built mobile products for a diverse range of international clients both in Silicon Valley and beyond. Say hello!
Max Haines-Stiles
Although Max doesn't have kids yet, he shares a love for spending quality time with friends and family. Saturday mornings typically involve coffee, a trip to the farmers' market, a run in Golden Gate Park, and a few hours in front of the computer tackling various business, design and engineering challenges. Max has spent time in the wine, food and finance industries, but most recently founded a boutique design and development agency where he built web and mobile products. Before that, Max studied Chinese politics and language at Stanford. Say howdy!
Community Involvement
We believe that all families should be able to have access to the kinds of activities we offer at Care.com Explore. We’re committed to creating and promoting free and low-cost options on our platform, as well as supporting local non-profit organizations who do the same. We’ll continue to develop this part of Care.com Explore as we grow. But, if you have thoughts on this, we’d love to hear from you.